COVID-19 In-Person Activities Update - December 16, 2021

Dear North Shore Church Family,

We are so overjoyed to have you with us in worship and all our discipleship ministries. At the same time, as you are seeing on the news, the rate of virus transmission has recently increased dramatically, with every demographic experiencing a far greater infection rate than even just a few weeks ago.

In response to this, the session and staff will be wearing masks indoors at all gatherings taking place indoors at the church, and we ask that everyone over the age of 2 does as well, regardless of age or vaccination status. We ask you to do this, not primarily to protect yourselves, but to take this measure as protection for others. As Philippians 2:4 says, "Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others.” And, as has been our request throughout this pandemic, if you are sick or symptomatic for Covid 19, or have been around people who have Covid 19, we ask that you, please, join us online and not attend our gatherings. In truth, we ask this by appealing to your love for your brothers and sisters. This is a lesson in “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). Though our personal liberty is given by God and a cherished gift, 1 Corinthians 8:7-13 provides an amazing case study in self-limiting our freedom for the sake of others.

For the leadership of the church, we will lead by example by wearing masks, with the exception of the pastor as he preaches and the worship singers as they lead us. But after finishing, they will resume wearing masks as well. Please pray for the elders as they continue to pray and examine the situation, and reconvene to further discuss these temporary measures at their session meeting in January. As elders, we have earnestly prayed for you over this past year and we love you very much. May all of us eagerly and earnestly continue to know Christ and make Him known in the midst of our spiritually needy world.

As always, masks will be available by the front entrance should you need one. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me or any of our staff or elders.

Warmly in Christ, Pastor John

For the session