NSCC Events

An Evening of Lessons and Carols
Join us for an evening of fellowship over dinner and recounting the Christmas Story through Scripture and Christmas Carols.

Fall Festival
Come and connect over food and Fall Fun!
Please sign up here to bring your favorite pot of chili or fall dessert.

Church Picnic
Join us at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park for an afternoon of fellowship over games and bbq.

Church Hangout at Tobay Beach
Join us at the TOBAY BEACH on Sunday, July 14 at 5pm. Please bring a sack dinner and join us by the eastern entrance. We look forward to enjoying this time with you.

Vacation Bible School
This year's VBS program dives into an amazing undersea adventure where our children will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, our children will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
Registration is now closed.

Vacation Bible School
This year's VBS program dives into an amazing undersea adventure where our children will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, our children will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
Registration is now closed.

Vacation Bible School
This year's VBS program dives into an amazing undersea adventure where our children will experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God. At Scuba VBS, our children will be immersed in the Word and discover what living water is really all about!
Registration is now closed.

Women's Get-Together
CONNECT with WOMEN of NSCC on Sunday, June 9th after the second service over a sack picnic lunch in front of the church house then caravan to the Planting Fields Arboretum! Followed by Ice-Cream.
Location: Planting Fields Rd, Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Parking: $8
Contact: Laura Kessler at (614) 302-1580,
Email: laurakess@gmail.com

Men's Cornhole Tournament of the World!
Join us for a time of fellowship over wings and cornhole at:
First Presbyterian Church of Oyster Bay
60 East Main Street
Oyster Bay, NY 11771
Please Sign-up here.

Youth Group Winter Retreat
Youth Group Winter Retreat 2023
Location: Camp Shilo, Hewitt, NJ
Cost: 1st child $260, 2nd child $250, 3rd child $240 Scholarships are available for those in need!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Join us for an evening of recounting the birth of Christ through the singing of Christmas Carols, special presentations and the scriptures.

Women's Christmas Party
Join us for an evening of Christmas Cheer! Please bring an appetizer, main, side, desert, or drinks to share! RSVP to Lydia Rodgers: lydianscc@gmail.com.
Cookie Exchange (Optional). Choose a favorite cookie recipe or cookie you want to buy! Please print out several copies of the recipe for others to take home. Bring at least 3 dozen cookies. Plus another 6 -12 cookies for a sampling tray.
There will be Christmas bags for you to bring all your goodies home.

Congregational Budget Meeting
The elders request that all NSCC members please stay after worship for a congregational meeting where Pastor James will present the approved 2024 budget.

Men’s Christmas Party
Please join us for Men’s Christmas party this Saturday at Michael Louie’s House!
Please sing up to bring either a main dish, side dish, drink, or desert!

Membership Orientation Session 2
Learn about our church with Pastor Tae and Pastor Martin and explore what it means to become a member of North Shore Community Church.

Membership Orientation Session 1
Learn about our church with Pastor Tae and Pastor Martin and explore what it means to become a member of North Shore Community Church.

Missions Potluck
We invite you to come and hear an exciting vision
for our NSCC commitment to missions.

Night of Worship
Join the worship team for an evening of praise to our God through song.

Summer Missions Trip: Boardwalk Chapel in Wildwood, NJ.
Dates: August 12-19 (Saturday-Saturday) Fee: $700 per person.
This is a family friendly mission trip! Sign-up here.
Contact tae@nscc.live for more information.

Church Picnic at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park
Church Picnic, Sunday, July 23 after the 2nd service.
Join us at Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Park in Oyster Bay after the second service for an afternoon of fellowship over BBQ and games .

Fellowship Night at Tobay Beach
Join us for an evening of fellowship at Tobay Beach on July 16 @ 5:00 PM.