Missions @ NSCC
Our desire is to cooperate with the worldwide church so that we might complete the Lord's great commission (Matthew 28:19) and display His glory to all peoples and gather in those worshipers whom He has called from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.
North Shore Community Church
Summer Short Term Mission 2023
JAM (Junior high Adventures in Ministry) 2023
Location: Carin University - Langhorne, PA
Dates: May 12-14, 2023. Cost: $160 per person.
Click here to register!!!
Summer Short term Mission 2023
Location: Boardwalk Chapel, Wildwood, NJ
Dates: August 12-19, 2023
Cost: $700 per person.
Click here to register
NSCC Missions
Long Island
Church planting with the Metro New York Presbytery
Stony Brook Church Plant
Greater New York and New Jersey
Hana Mission
Latin America
Hope Bible Mission in Guatemala
Parfait Mitchaien in Benin
Ayizo People of Benin - Jesus Film Project
Paul and Susan Lee in South Asia
Underground Seminary professors training pastors in China
NSCC Missionary Updates
Our New Mission Partner - HOPE BIBLE MISSION in Guatemala
March 2023 ministry update and prayer request.
Faith, Hope and Love in Missions - NSCC Missions Update and Prayer, November 2020
2023 Boardwalk Chapel Mission, Wildwood, NJ
NSCC Mission Trip to Haiti, 2017
Missions Event Photos Below