
NSCC History

In the mid 90's a core group formed, longing for a church that would reach non-christians on the North Shore. That's when God called Al and Rene Barth to Long Island. When they arrived, the core group consisted of seven adults, five children and an assortment of other individuals. NSCC was established as a particular (self-governing) church on September 12, 1999. At the end of 2000, Al Barth resigned to continue his church planting. Assistant pastor Joel Pelsue and the elders provided leadership for the following few years until the summer of 2003 when John Yenchko and his family came to serve the church as senior pastor.

We've accomplished our initial goal of establishing a beachhead on the North Shore, and from which, we hope to share the love of Christ by establishing other P.C.A. congregations. We see ourselves as a continuation of that church which Jesus Christ established in the first century and it is our desire to join hands with any and all evangelical churches who yet proclaim the gospel, to make Christ known throughout the Island, New York City and the rest of the world.