It is important for you and me to know that Christianity is not merely “informational.” It is ultimately “transformational.”
Once you have experienced the act of God’s free grace in your justification by the death and resurrection of Jesus, and once you understand the extent and magnitude of his grace, then you inevitably desire the work of that grace in your heart. Where do you need the soil of your heart renewed?
Here’s what I’ve been thinking:
Where my heart is:
Selfish, give me the selflessness of Jesus.
Arrogant, give me the humility of Jesus.
Stingy, give me the generosity of Jesus.
Ignorant, give me the wisdom of Jesus.
Blind, give me the eyes of Jesus.
Deaf, give me the ears of Jesus.
Unloving, give me the love of Jesus.
Yes, Lord, do that work of your free grace in the depths of our hearts as we bring them to the cross and they are renewed by your Spirit to make us, progressively, more like you.
Thank you that your saving work in our lives is changing us.
Musings from Pastor John, December 13, Click to Email Pastor John