It is Mother’s Day
Now we teach in our church every day is a day to celebrate our mothers and to be thankful for them. But today, especially, I want to encourage mothers that this responsibility to raise and teach your children is an immeasurably great privilege.
Do you know the classic verse in Proverbs 1:8? “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching…” Now the Bible says the responsibility to teach and disciple our children falls both fathers and mothers. But today, just briefly, I want you to think about this glorious responsibility given to mothers.
It does not say, “father’s instruct, and mothers change diapers.” It says, in a parallel way, father’s instruct, and mothers teach.” They share this responsibility.
Being a mother is hard work, isn’t it? Whether you’re in the work force outside of the home or not, God is using you to shape the life of your children. You are in charge and you are shepherding your children on God’s behalf. That’s what parenting is.
Never forget that Children are like wet cement and they will take the instruction of their father and the teaching of their mothers – both their words and their examples, and it will shape them. You are more than a chauffeur and a cook. You are more than just a wallet. You give your children advice, but you are more than an advisor. You are shepherding your children’s hearts.
You are a pastor to your children. Did you know that?
What if only one parent actually cares about doing that work? Well, the Bible shows us that the work can still be done so wonderfully.
Let me give one great illustration from the New Testament: the effect of Timothy's mother and grandmother on his life.
The apostle Paul says in 2 Timothy 1:5, “I am mindful of the sincere faith within you, which first dwelt in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and I am sure that it is in you as well.
Then in 3:14-15 Paul says, “You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them [that is, your mother Eunice and through her from your grandmother Lois]; and that from childhood you have known the holy scriptures [because your mother taught them to you] which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
We have this remarkable testimony, don’t we? Timothy's father was a Greek (Acts 16:3). He probably didn't know the Scriptures. So Paul celebrates the great heritage that Timothy has through his mother and his grandmother. They did what his father could not or would not do. They filled him with the Scriptures, and the Scriptures brought him eventually to faith in Christ, and faith in Christ brought him salvation.
I pray for homes where fathers and mothers labor together to shepherd their children’s hearts but I’m so encouraged that Timothy will live forever and ever because his mother and his grandmother were faithful to Proverbs 1:8.
I hope you have a very high view of motherhood! I do. Happy Mother’s Day!
Musing’s from Pastor John, May 9, Mother’s Day, Click to Email Pastor John
Pastor John’s Special Mother’s Day Sermon is viewable via Livestream May 9 at 10:00 AM on YouTube.