Sometimes, when people are paralyzed by doubt, it is helpful to say to them,…

…"You can't steer a parked car. If you want to turn your life around, you've got to get moving." - Rosaria Champagne Butterfield.

She also writes, "There is no finer resolution to a 'faith test' than genuine Christian ministry." That is to say, when you are hurting and struggling and feel betrayed, it will benefit you to get out of yourself and care for others, letting the love of God flow to you and through you. I have found this to be true in my life when I am struggling.

This, of course, is not to minimize your struggle. It is simply to acknowledge that passivity often simply allows wounds to fester. It allows bitterness to calcify in one's soul.

Of course, Jesus moved toward us, loving us even when he was suffering - ultimately on the cross. Jack Miller used to say, “learn how to go on a ‘love offensive.’”

So, let’s learn to say to God, “I believe, help my unbelief” and “Even though I am hurting, please give me divine appointments to let your Love flow through me to someone else."

Musing’s from Pastor John, July 18, Click to Email Pastor John


At the very end of Matthew’s gospel, when Jesus meet his disciples in Galilee after his resurrection, they worship him.


Do you remember on the third day after Jesus was crucified, that the women find that the tomb is empty?