When I was a young Christian, a friend said to me something I have never forgotten: "The path of JOY is Jesus, Others, and then You."
I believe he is right.
Too often "it's all about me." But he said, "As I go through my day, I need to make 'me' third in line.”
It's true. Have you learned it? Do you want a life of joy?
1. Begin with Jesus. Grow in your relationship with him. Come to appreciate who he is. Revel in what he has done for you and me. He is your great prophet and teacher. He is your wonderful priest who prays for you and brings you to God. He is the priest who offered up the sacrifice of himself for you. He is your king whom you gladly love and serve. There is no one else like him. And as you know him, more and more, I promise you that his joy will flood your heart.
2. Think about others. Learn to care – truly care about how others are doing. Listen to them. Encourage them. Minister to them. Do not simply let his joy come to you, but let it flow through you.
3. Now it's time to think about yourself. There's nothing wrong with self-care. Selfishness is bad. Self-centeredness leads you to narcissism. But there is an appropriate self concern that the Bible legitimizes. You have to feed yourself. You have to clean yourself. Both body and soul need attention! Revel in the “legal rights" that are yours in Christ (justification, adoption, forgiveness, his cleansing of you and his preparation of a place in heaven for you). Experience your "personal delights" (his personal embrace of you, his knowledge of your name, your adoption, fellowship in the church body, and your anticipation seeing him face to face).
Think a lot about 1. and 2. Then enjoy your joy. Rest in his joy: Jesus, Others, You.
Musing’s from Pastor John, June 20, Click to Email Pastor John