What do you do when somebody makes you mad?


Jesus has a lot to say about this.

Let me just mention one thing. He said "If your brother sins against you, go to him and...." (You can read the rest in Matthew 18:15 – 20.)

He gives a command. "Go..." Why? Because he wants the children of God to be reconciled. He wants us to live in harmony. He wants us to work things out. He doesn't want us to gossip about them. He doesn't want us to bear a grudge and hate them. He doesn't want us to attack them. He doesn't want us to avoid them. He wants us to go to them.

Over the years I've been so helped by Ken Sande's advice. He wrote a book called, "The Peacemaker." He emphasizes, first and foremost that when you go, "Go with a heart for the glory of God." Secondly, he urges you to follow the advice of Jesus and "Take the log out of your own eye before you go." Third, he says, "Gently restore" your relationship with them by speaking the truth in love, getting help if you need the input of others. Then, fourth, "Go and be reconciled." In fact, Jesus says, "If he listens to you, you have gained your brother."

Is there someone you are estranged from because they sinned against you (or you sinned against them)? Perhaps, today, you would hear Jesus say, "Go... Work it out. Be reconciled."

Does Jesus really have the authority to speak to you this way? Yes he does. When, in heaven as the second person of the Trinity, he saw our sin which was against Him as our Creator God, what happened? God the Father said to God the Son, "Go... I want them reconciled with me."

And so he did. The Prince of Peace left his Father’s throne above and came to reconcile with you. And now, “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

He's not asking you to do anything he didn't do first on a grander and cosmic scale. Aren't you glad he made the effort and did what it took to get it done?

Musings from Pastor John, August 2 , Click to Email Pastor John


A lifestyle of forgiveness.


What do you do with your sorrow, your tears and your anguish?