Have you ever heard of the “transfiguration“ of Jesus?

Matthew, Mark, and Luke all describe the event. The word “metamorphoo” is used. (We get the English word “metamorphosis“ from the term.) They all strain to describe the moment.

Luke says, “His clothing became dazzling white and the appearance of his face was altered.” Mark says: “The clothes of Jesus became dazzling white, whiter than anything in the world could bleach them.” But I like Matthew’s version best: “He was transfigured before them and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.”

The greatest leaders of the Old Testament, Moses and Elijah, show up and speak with Jesus about his upcoming “departure.“ The glory cloud from heaven envelops them all with divine effulgence. The voice of God speaks and says, “This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.”

This is the moment when the veil is lifted and the Glory of God the Son is momentarily revealed.

We read, “When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were terrified.“ They respond like Isaiah, Ezekiel, the apostle Paul, and the apostle John did when the full glory of God enveloped them, too. They fall down in wonder and holy fear.

How would you respond?

Then comes one of my favorite lines in the whole Bible. “But Jesus came and touched them, saying, ‘Rise, and have no fear.’ And when they lifted up their eyes they saw no one but Jesus only.“

Do you see? In the midst of ALL THAT POWER AND OVERWHELMING HOLINESS AND GLORY, there is Grace, a loving touch, and a word of comfort!

Have you ever had a glimpse, in the eyes of your heart, of the majesty and glory of Jesus Christ? Have you ever trembled before his holiness?

Have you ever understood his “departure“ - his death and resurrection, which atoned for your sins and accomplished your justification?

Have you experienced his grace, his touch, and heard his voice telling you that you no longer need to fear?

Again, at the end of the passage it says “And when they lifted up their eyes, they saw no one but Jesus only.”

That’s where I want my focus to be. How about you?

Musings by Pastor John, June 7


What is your favorite hymn?


I do not know what the future of our country holds.