I do not know what the future of our country holds.

That is because, as Job observes, “Nations rise and fall.” Many destructive seeds are planted again in our day. Yet many good ones, too.

I love those who work to end racism and racial violence - those who speak with a penetrating, prophetic and persuasive voice. I also love those who work as peace officers and servants in law enforcement, those who protect and care for their fellow citizens. I hate those who are driven by racial hatred. I also hate those in power and authority who are corrupt and moved by racist impulses to harm and even kill those they despise. At the same time I also hate those who are violent, destroying other people's property and livelihoods, bringing terror into communities by their reactionary hostility. Who is worse? Both partake in mob wickedness.

To my shame, both impulses reside and fester in my flesh.

Yet, I do know that the powerful, loving and stunning words of Jesus, and the convicting and renewing power of the Holy Spirit, are the solution both to racial hatred among the powerful, and also the solution to the violent, riotous impulse among the furious.

What did Jesus say? “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

Jesus perfectly lives out these commandments, and died for those who fail to. My agonized prayer is that the conviction of these sins would begin in me, run through my family, my church, and by God's grace, into the world. I yearn for more and more people to “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.” When people do, then the Son of God promises “and then all these things will be added unto them.” Then the elect will be saved. And, perhaps, by God's Common Grace, our nation might not fall.

Musings from Pastor John, May 31


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